It has been proven that the average life cycle of skin cells is only four weeks. And what happens to old dead cells? Healthy skin usually gets rid of these particles on its own. But adverse ecology, improper care, hormonal disorders, and harmful UV rays slow down the natural renewal process. As a result, the skin looks dull, pores are clogged, and inflammation and black spots appear. Familiar story? An excellent facial treatment is a PRX-T33 peel. But in this article, we will talk about another method. A facial peeling scrub will help to carefully clean it of keratinized particles and restore a healthy glow.
Peeling roller is a gentle alternative to the usual means of deep cleansing of the skin: scrubs and exfoliating masks.
When is it appropriate to use a peeling roller?
The update process is as follows: the top layer is a kind of multi-layered “cake”. In its deep layers, cells are alive, they divide and advance to the surface of the skin, replacing dead particles there. To help the recovery process and speed it up, a variety of procedures are performed to remove the upper dead skin scales.
Facial scrub is one such cleaning method. The method consists in applying a special composition to the skin of the face and then rolling it with hands.
What skin problems do peeling skates solve?
- comedones, black spots, and rashes;
- peeling of the skin and a feeling of tightness;
- enlarged pores and greasy shine of the face;
- post-acne spots, uneven complexion;
- small wrinkles.
How to properly use roller peeling?
Here are the steps:
- A peeling roller is a means of additional cleaning. Therefore, it is applied to a clean face, like other peelings or scrubs. If you apply the tape on dirty skin, there is a high probability that you will not achieve the desired effect. You will simply “roll” the remnants of make-up along with other pollution on the skin.
- It is better to apply the tape on dry facial skin with dry hands. Water reduces friction. Apply the product to your face and make gentle up-and-down movements with your hands along the massage lines until all the peeling is rolled off. Then just rinse your face with warm water.
- Peeling roller is considered a mild cleanser, but it is still not recommended to use it every day. For oily skin, the procedure can be performed 1-2 times a week. For dry and sensitive skin – 1 time in 1-1.5 weeks.
- After using the usual peeling, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream or serum to the face after the roller.
The principle of the roller coaster
- Firstly, the peeling scrub contains natural acids: fruit, salicylic, lactic, and others. They delicately dissolve keratinized cells of the epidermis.
- Next, micro cellulose particles come into play. Rolling into the same famous “rollers”, they capture old skin particles along with other impurities.
You will think that the curls that appear in the process of facial massage with roller peeling are dead skin flakes. In fact, this is not the case. Cellulose fibers (acrylates), which are usually part of the product, have the ability to shrink. And fats on the skin (sebum) only strengthen this ability.
Advantages of peeling slopes:
- suitable for all skin types;
- very thorough cleaning;
- there is no possibility of injury;
- can be applied independently, without the services of a cosmetologist.
This method is not recommended in case of couperosis (vascular disease of the skin) or in the presence of a large number of foci of inflammation.
Peeling rollers are different, and they differ from each other in active components. They also have various additional properties depending on the ingredients in the composition. They nourish and moisturize the skin, soothe, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, rejuvenate, smooth out wrinkles and fight other skin imperfections.